Monday, July 13, 2015

Was the Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court ruling ethical?

Was the Same Sex Marriage Supreme Court ruling ethical?

            Many people have spoken out about whether the Supreme Court ruling on June 26th, 2015 was unethical and if the Supreme Court stepped out of line on making this ruling. In this article I would like to discover whether the Supreme Court indeed did or did not step outside of its boundaries and use excessive power on behalf of this ruling.
            Let’s first start out by deciphering the responsibilities and duties of the U.S. Supreme Court. According to, “When questions concerning particular laws arise in lower courts, the justices who make up the Supreme Court are responsible for explaining and interpreting the Constitution. All of the other courts in the United States must follow the ruling or the decision made by the justices of the Supreme Court..” But this only stirs up another question. Does the Constitution say anything about same sex Marriage? It does not. We know from the Judiciary Branch’s website that the only matters that the Supreme Court debates and votes on are those that need to be directly translated from the U.S. Constitution. Thus, since the Constitution says nothing nor relates to anything that deals with same sex marriage for relationships the Supreme Court must have stepped there foot out of bounds at the 40-yard line and should not have scored that touchdown.
            After extensive research I found that the U.S. Constitution says nothing about making or changing laws based on feelings or emotions. There was absolutely nothing that stated that gays, lesbians or bisexuals could not love each other or have commitments with one another. Therefore, individuals with same sex attractions are allowed to be together. However, we should recognize that the Supreme Court has no right to make or change laws based on the fact that somebody was feeling sad that he couldn’t marry his boyfriend. Marriage is a “legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman as partners in a relationship.” (google defintitons) We must also further recognize why a male and female join together in union. Male and female join together in union to procreate and form a family unit. Same sex marriages cannot do such a thing, which makes them exclusively sex partners. This does not benefit society in the least.
            The first line of the Constitution, which states, “We the people…” indeed was completely disregarded on June 26th of 2015. Roughly 2% of the U.S. population is gay, lesbian or bisexual. But somehow this 2% has control over the Supreme Court and the remaining 98% of  “We the people…” the United States. Thus, we can conclude that the squeaky wheel does indeed get the grease and the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court on same sex marriage was unjust and utterly unethical.


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